It's forbiden to smoke, also outside.
The use and trade in soft drugs, hard drugs and party drugs (for example: laughing gas) is prohibited.
If illegalities are found (such as false tickets, attempted climbing over fences, etc.), police is notified immediately
Minimum age 18 years. In case of doubt, the organization has the right to ask for proof of identity and to refuse access to the party.
When entering the festival site, a (random) inspection is carried out.
It is prohibited to bring the following items inside: Food, glassware, plastic bottles, cans, drugs, (fire) weapons, dangerous objects and professional photo, film and other recording equipment.
If food, glassware, plastic bottles, cans or drugs are found when entering the festival site, this will be confiscated by the organization and thrown away.
Purchased tickets cannot be returned.
The program is subject to change. If one or more acts are canceled, an attempt will be made to offer an equivalent replacement program.
Visitors are obliged to comply with the regulations of the (security) personnel.
When a visitor throws beer, he or she is warned by the security, in case of recidivism the person is removed from the party.
Study association VSV 'Leonardo da Vinci' is in no way liable for any damage to visitors and/or property of visitors.